Nameless Films is a collaboration between fiction writer Sandy Florian and Talan Memmott. The videos are short, experimental narrative works … the method is ‘godardian’ by default, dealing with improvisation and happenstance … the narratives are compressed, emphasizing an embedded poetics of the moment … this series of Nameless Film productions does not produce narratives over 4 minutes long… All works in this series are shot in Paris, France.
From Scott Rettberg: Talan and Sandy produced this series in 2007-2008. I tagged along on some of the shoots. My understanding is they were working with only a very loose structure as they produced the films. Starting with only a few lines or a rough idea of a situation, Sandy and Talan wandered Paris, gathering images and sounds and producing impromptu dialog (see a Google map of the locations ). The narratives built up from these moments into collages that cohere in compelling ways. The series to date includes four films: “Piano Concert”, “Erie”, “Croque Quartet”, and “I Didn’t Say That.”