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Category: Stories

  • Real Estate

    After his father died, and he became a father himself, Payam remembered his father’s excitement to tell him about the business of real estate, which was not so much an excitement about real estate as an excitement about life, which Payam knew, and which every once in a while he would tell himself to keep…

  • Left-Handed

    Thumb Alone in California, extended in fog, you hitched me down the PCH. One-hundred miles of snaking highway and strangers’ confessions. Then her. Last ride, straight through to Caspar. Her bitter stories lurched the wheel, shattered life tactics like so-many curves, like it was the road’s fault, not the shitty men and how she’d fallen,…

  • Rubric/Grade Scale

    Every poem should have eight lines, two stanzas. Perhaps one stanza, six lines, should the topic call for it (see last week’s handout). Three stanzas may be acceptable, as can twenty. None, if you can do it. Point is, if the poem doesn’t work, failing grade. Punctuation marks count for half a point, each. However,…

  • The Gardener

    When I first joined Grindr, I was lucky enough to meet a man who coached me through the shivering that came over me every time I slipped into bed with men. He was a gardener and worked long hours in the eastern suburbs, where he toiled in enormous suburban backyards for the hyper-wealthy, people who…

  • A Miracle Shy of Martyrdom

    Wendell Ford owned and operated a two-chair barbershop in a dying strip mall, catty-corner from the Fullerton Public Library. Even Wendell had difficulty listing the two or three other businesses. This could be accounted for both by his age and by the unremarkable nature of whatever occupied the other storefronts. Perhaps one of the shops…

  • The Friendship PIP

    TO: Lesley FROM: Ada DATE: May 8, 2019 RE: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) The purpose of this PIP is to identify gaps in your performance as my best friend and provide you an opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment. Concerns: I’ve forgiven you for not telling me that you’re dating my father. Since your engagement…

  • Something’s Gotta Give

    The Walgreens air is buzzing a faint yellow-green that mutes everything inside you except the pain clenching and loosening its fist in your belly at intervals too random to decipher. Go for a walk, the midwife said when you called her an hour ago. Waiting in the Baby Needs aisle for the burning palm to…

  • Notes on a Departure

    We find the crop circle at the end of June. Mira wants to lie down in its center, so we do and she takes off her shirt, like sunbathing at midnight. I want them to see me, Mira says, releasing the clasp of her bra. I want to see her too, so much that I…

  • Rustler

    She asks, What’s a rustler anyway? The sun sets behind her question and colors return to the desert like water struck. Can’t hold the name of them in my head but earth like the hide of a Palomino horse and in the shadows a soft purple that will soon swallow us whole and lovely. I…

  • Showing

    They were invited to a showing at the local theatre. Attendees were told nothing about it, only to come with a set of open eyes. Not everyone had a pair of those, and it was easy to see who did and did not, once the show began. Fifty parrots in bronzed cages — wearing name…

  • Sparrow

    Our father kept a hole in his chest. Sometimes he dug around it with naked hands, left birdseed in the dark indent where his heart used to be. Other times, his fingers would climb into it, caress the hollow, creeks bursting from his aching brown eyes. Every time we came back from the riverbank, me…

  • Tabula Rasa

    Every morning, I write the day’s most important headlines on a blackboard. Death toll passes 7,000 in Philippines typhoon. Second body found in rubble of Norfolk building. Ex-SS guard on trial over Bergen-Belsen deaths. I scrub the board clean every night before getting into bed. “When are you going to stop doing that?” my brother…