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Category: Interviews

  • A Conversation With Lee Rourke

    What books and/or authors have had the most influence on your writing? When I write I read as much fiction as possible, so the good stuff naturally seeps into my writing. Nothing is original so I’m not worried about what does or doesn’t seep in. For The Canal  I was reading a lot of Heidegger…

  • A Conversation With Jürgen Fauth

    What books and/or authors have had the most influence on your writing? Some of the most obvious influences on Kino are probably writers like Thomas Pynchon, Alan Moore, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Mann, my teachers Frederick Barthelme and Mary Robison, my wife Marcy Dermansky — but I’ve also drawn a lot of inspiration from the movies:…

  • A roundtable conversation with Mud Luscious Press

    As the next installment in our ongoing, occasional series of roundtable conversations, we’re thrilled to present this conversation between JA Tyler, founder and editor of Mud Luscious Press and four authors whose books MLP is publishing this year: Gregory Sherl, Matt Bell, Ken Sparling, and Robert Kloss. + To begin with, share a little about…

  • Stripped: A Conversation About How Writers Write Gender

    Recently published by PS Books, Stripped, A Collection Of Anonymous Flash (available in paperback and ebook) gathers stories by an impressive list of familiar and emerging writers — including a number of Necessary Fiction contributors — but leaves the bylines out of the book. A year after its release, on February 1, 2013, the author…

  • A conversation with Matt Baker & Mel Bosworth

    Like many writers of a similar age and background, some of my most exciting memories of reading involve Choose Your Own Adventure books and playing/reading Interactive Fiction like Colossal Cave Adventure on my Commodore 64 (and, much later, discovering the more literary projects undertaken by Michael Joyce, Adam Cadre, Emily Short, Andrew Plotkin, and others.…

  • Shut Up/Look Pretty: a roundtable

    Recently published by Tiny Hardcore Press, Shut Up/Look Pretty is a new anthology featuring Lauren Becker, Erin Fitzgerald, Kirsty Logan, Michelle Reale and Amber Sparks. To celebrate the release of the book, and these five fine writers, we invited them to have a conversation about the anthology, writing, and whatever came up. Think of it…

  • 5 Questions for Amelia Gray

    After gushing about this exciting new writer coming out of Southwest America, I was able to ask her a couple questions regarding her start in publishing, making the transition to novels from short stories, and what she’s up to L.A. The stories in AM/PM were wonderfully unraveled and exhilarating to read. How did you come…