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We bought the kettle at the junk store we call the junk store because everything we buy there is junk. The people who run the junk store and even many of the people who frequent the junk store do not realize that they are engaged in the transaction of junk. They do not realize junk propagates junk. The reason it is junk is because he is an expert garbage harvester. He can take scrap metal and reconfigure it by welded things that do belong together, together into an approximation of the wares in stores that provide properly manufactured goods. In your house you need a kettle. The junk kettle doesn’t hold water. When I heat the junk kettle to a temperature that approaches the boiling point of water, the mashed together junk metal begins to separate and the water leaks onto the stove and sometimes into the electrical workings of the range and shorts it out and then not only has the junk not heated my water for my tea but it has rendered my stove into junk. Junk propagates junk. Junk makes more junk until the planet is entirely junk. It has gotten to the point when I purchase something from the junk store I expected junk. Junk is never quite right, but never bad enough. My kettle warms the water to a temperature capable of steeping tea. The range heats the kettle to a temperature capable of steeping tea. I have become accustomed to find ways to take a perfectly new kettle for instance that I just purchased and make it work as if it is an old scrap of something that I had inherited from some distant relation and this is the only kettle in existence that I could manage to put onto the stove and get to work more or less and it would seem a reasonable assumption on my part where I should go to a store and purchase a new kettle unwilling to pay twice what they charge for this junk kettle in order to have a teapot where once I placed water into the kettle and the water stayed in the kettle until it boiled at which point it made a cheery and efficient whistle announcing the arrival of boiled water. I know my tea is ready as it is this kettle once it is heated because it doesn’t make the whistle. It has a whistle, but the problem is that once it is heated the joints of the kettle expand in the water pours in the teapot as if it were no a longer kettle but a colander. I have bought four elements now for my stove because of this teapot. The expense of this junk is immeasurable because it is junk and yet people will not pay a price of a real kettle and instead will only pay the price of junk, a price that does not come tidily packaged on a sticker.

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