I hope Saturday finds you well this week, and that you'll have time to do the things you want to be doing this weekend among all those you must.
Here's what we've been up to this week:
Our book reviews editor Diane Josefowicz wrote about Living In Your Light by Abdellah Taïa, translated by Emma Ramadan (Seven Stories Press).
Then the week's featured story was "Items Left Behind" by Carrie Esposito, a new writer in our pages. You'll find more of her work at her website.
And in research notes, Brittney Corrigan wrote about her story collection The Ghost Town Collectives, winner of the Osprey Award for Fiction from Middle Creek Publishing.
Congratulations to contributor Kat Meads, whose novel While Visiting Babette is newly published by Sagging Meniscus Press.
I also want to mention two new publications from the always interesting Autofocus Books: Yes I Am Human I Know You Were Wondering by Erin Dorney, and A Healthy Interest In The Lives Of Others by Teresa Carmody.
Finally, something about the weight of the world lately and the drab weather here made this rich vein of droning music and art uncovered by Andrew Male feel like a very welcome tonic this week, so perhaps you'll find some of the sounds you need in here, too.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Steve Himmer |