Necessary Fiction
Doing our best since 2009

We've had a busy week on the website, publishing several things for you to read, so I'll get right to it:

On Monday we shared Noelle McManus' review of Vladivostok Circus by Elisa Shua Dusapin, translated by Aneesa Abbas Higgins and published by Open Letter Books. We're glad to be publishing Noelle's writing for the first time, and you can find more of their work at their website. 

Then on Tuesday Natalie Doris interviewed Margot Livesey about her most recent novel The Road to Belhaven.

Our featured story this week was "The Departure from Malaga, Spain" by Patti Jazanoski. You can read more by Patti here. 

And in research notes, Brooke Shaffner wrote about Country of Under from Split/Lip Press. You may remember that Country of Under was reviewed for us a few months ago by Rosalia Scalia, but the book has since been reissued by a different press — we're grateful to Split/Lip for giving it that chance and we hope you'll support them in doing so.


Contributor Ben Segal ("Perfume Circuit" in October 2020) recently published his collection Tunnels with Schism Press

And fiction editor Lacey Dunham writes,

I just returned from the Sewanee Writers Conference, where I had the pleasure of hanging out with two former NF contributors in person: Agnes Chew (NF piece here) whose collection Eternal Summer of My Homeland was published in 2023 (the NF piece features in the collection) and Wendy Oleson (NF piece here) whose hybrid memoir Everywhere, Tony Danza was published earlier this year.

We're always glad to meet our contributors in the wild!

Finally, contributor Éireann Lorsung's new mail art publishing project Abundant Number is now taking subscriptions and you can learn more about that here. The first few issues (full disclosure) will include a series of excerpts from a novel I wrote about fatherhood, fisher cats, saltmarshes, and stray shopping carts. But there will be plenty of other work by other writers to enjoy as well.


Thanks for reading,
Steve Himmer